Get Lost!
The next time someone tells you to “Get Lost”, tell them “Thank You” and wish them the same good fortune.
Setting 2018 business goals should be fun, an adventure of sorts. Allow yourself to get lost and daydream. Get passionate about your vision; clearly define the destination and let that be your guide. Today GPS has assured us we won’t get lost on road trips, but the best GPS on the planet can’t get you someplace you don’t know you want to go.
With a concise vision in mind, start backward. Yes, write your vision for December 2018 upside-down on January’s page. Create a visual funnel – What needs to happen for you to get there? List all the milestones needed to reach that goal. One by one break each milestone down and assign a timeframe and budget. Use a pencil…permission to erase and rework lots. Once you are content with the feasibility of the tasks, milestones and time constraints, determine to whom you will designate tasks, and which fall on your plate.
Identify the weak areas in your talent pool and consider bringing in temporary specialists to get the job done. Know in advance when you are going to need a security specialist or crackerjack programmer, financial specialist or project manager. Give your recruiter notice you will need a specialist at the future date that coincides with your milestones. Discuss with him or her the feasibility of said task to be performed in the time you’ve allowed. Your recruiter will help to sharpen up the schedule and keep you on task and on time.
Don’t be afraid to make it visual. Use pictures, make it a vision board if you will. Use whatever tools you feel comfortable with to create a solid vision. OK, so you’re not an artist. No worries. Once you feel secure in your plan, hire someone who is to interpret your vision as a presentation for other principals. It could be storyboards, PowerPoint or spreadsheet. Whatever works for you.
Bring your team around you, including your recruiter to make suggestions, look for pitfalls or shortcuts. Have your CFO analyze costs and ROI. Listen with an open mind and merge everyone’s ideas into a final, but a somewhat flexible plan. Give credit to everyone for their contributions and make it a team effort.
From all of us at Millennium Consulting:
A happy holiday and magical 2018